COPR is awaiting determination by the Court regarding the Motion to Dismiss and the Request for Stay in Discovery. Stay tuned for further updates as they become available.
COPR was established to protect and defend Colorado property owners from unfair and unreasonable state and local property regulations.
These efforts include: educating the public about property rights, enlistment of individuals to advocate for the protection of its members and property owners’ rights, and to use lawful means to carry out these objectives.
Town of Breckenridge’s two ordinances severely limit the number of short-term rentals (STRs) allowed within certain zones of the town.
The Town’s licensing caps take away the opportunity for about half (48 percent) of Breckenridge’s 7,713 residential properties to be utilized as a short-term rental.
Currently, the number of STR licenses greatly exceeds the number of allowed licenses under the cap restrictions, resulting in an attrition process that in some areas will take decades.
A vast majority of the owners of these properties do not have a voting right and thus little to no impact on the Town’s decision making.
Learn more about the license caps and licensing zones here >
Colorado Property Owners for Property Rights (COPR)
is a nonprofit organization established to advocate on behalf of its members to
legally challenge the Town of Breckenridge’s short-term rental (STR) ordinances
that established zones and a cap on the number of STR licenses the town will
permit within those zones. COPR believes that the ordinances take away
important property rights, making it extremely difficult, and in many instances
impossible, to obtain a license to operate a STR.
The Breckenridge ordinances splits the town into four zones
and then sets licensing caps within three of these zones. In Zone 2, it is
projected that it will take as many as 5 years and up to 10 years to receive a
STR license; in Zone 3 it is estimated to take 20 to 30 years. At the same
time, the Town excluded large, corporate-owned lodging near the resort from
these license-restricted zones, allowing unlimited licensure of those
Learn more about becoming a member of COPR and supporting efforts to protect property rights, maintain the value of your property and support the local, tourism-based economy by challenging this ordinance.
Legal Disclaimer:
We very much appreciate you becoming a COPR member. We are registered as a non-profit organization in the state of Colorado and have a pending 501(c)(4) application with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. A portion of your membership will be used to fund expenses associated with COPR’s legal challenge to invalidate sections of the Town of Breckenridge’s Short Term Rental Ordinance. This is not a class action lawsuit and COPR is not seeking a financial judgment. COPR will not share or sell your email or other personal information.
Copyright Colorado Property Owners Property Rights 2023